obama nominees
that makes two obama nominees who failed to pay taxes. something smells fishy in the la-la land of hope and change. like i said they are all crooks, obama is proving this.
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Don't sweat it, Bob. Obummer will have a new cabinet post for the Comissioner of Humor Technology. This way the government can regulate what they deem appropriate humor. Won't that be a hoot.
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llilly wrote: Bob 57 wrote: There is no humour when you have Obummer in office. Interesting -- people in the U.S. spell "humor" without the "u"....
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Therefore, is it safe to assume that Bob isn't in the U.S., Sally? Maybe Rhaj was right afterall. There's no place like home....there's no place like home (Sorry, saw the picture of Dorothy and...
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i feel sorry for lilly's students, she probably makes them recite- i pledge allegiance to Obummer, and one nation under Obummer.
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HOW COME HATCHET man always logs on as anonymous? mmmmm, could be a moderator in disguise? he/she/it has many aliases i know.
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Bob 57 wrote: HOW COME HATCHET man always logs on as anonymous? mmmmm, could be a moderator in disguise? he/she/it has many aliases i know. Gee Bob -- do we have to teach you everything? RHaj has his...
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Bob 57 wrote: what about all the aliases, he/she/it uses to bash people? Figments of your imagination, perhaps? He doesn't seem to pull any punches under RHaj, so why would an alias be necessary?
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No, Bob, I'll have to agree with Lilly, even though it pains me to do so. However, even though Rhaj doesn't pull any punches he also won't answer a simple yes or no question. Instead he skirts around...
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Bob, I always visit the board without my name showing, too. (So can you if you change a setting on your account page.) My presence doesn't even show in the Anonymous tally. (People who buy...
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liberal atheist. What does that mean, Reph? That you believe there is no higher being and anything goes? I still think your fibbing about not looking like Angelina.
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I don't know what "liberal atheist" means, Sedgie. It's just a popular label around here. Darwin got the same label slapped on him, so it must be something good. I'm honored to be in such company.
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Reph, of course you know atheist mean not believeing there is a God. Liberals kinda think of themselves as 'freethinkers' and identify with the rebel mindset. So, is liberalism really freethinking?...
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obummer is a liberal atheist, the church he went to did not preach God, it preached hatred towards america!
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